Jadine Hanys BHSc majoring in Nutritional Medicine + Member of the Institute of Health & ANTA

Jadine has curated a small but mighty collection of nutritional supplements and compounds to offer. All tried, tested and researched by her to ensure efficacy and to provide the best possible options for our customers. Even Jadine is confused when searching for a supplement in the chemist or health store, there are always so many choices and it truly takes a degree and on-going study, to know what supplements to choose. So, Jadine has done the hard work for you. Everything we offer works, and we either use ourselves in our regular regime or have seen excellent success in clients.
Jadine is a practising Functional Health Coach specialising in GUT HEALTH.
Interested in working with her, register your interest here.

Jadine uses the most up to date research and functional blood analysis to educate and coach her clients, to understand how their body works and to empower them towards long term health and disease prevention.
Jadine takes a whole person-centred approach.
With a keen interest in;
- Gut Health & IBS/IBD condtions
- Chronic Skin Conditions
- Female Hormone Health & Fertility/Contraception
- Male Hormone Health
Jadine offers a comprehensive functional health coaching program to support her clients to take control of their health for the long term.
Supported 16 week 1:1 Gut Health Program
Functional Health Assessment & Blood Work Analysis
If you suffer from;
IBS, Crohns/IBD
Acne, Rosacea, Eczema, psoriasis
PCOS, Irregular periods, Endometriosis
Anxiety, Depression, High Stress
Etc etc
You should take a comprehensive look at what is happening internally.
Treating the gut and personalising eating patterns has been shown to be effective in treating and curing the conditions listed above.
An in-depth initial health consult coupled with comprehensive Functional Blood Work Analysis.
You will receive a tailored 4 Week Holistic Diet, Supplement & Lifestyle Protocol.
**available Internationally