Revolutionizing the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fight Wear Industry: Sustainable Innovations in Materials

Revolutionizing the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fight Wear Industry: Sustainable Innovations in Materials

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fight Wear Industry: Innovations in Sustainable Materials

Welcome to Alchemical, your one-stop shop for high-quality Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fight wear. In the competitive world of martial arts, having the right gear is crucial for performance and comfort. Not only do we provide top-notch products, but we are also committed to sustainability and innovation in the fight wear industry.

Innovation in Fight Wear through New Materials

The fight wear industry is long overdue for some innovation, particularly in the development of new materials. Traditionally, cotton & polyester fibres have dominated the market due to their cheap price tag. However, with growing concerns about the environmental impact of cotton cropping and polyesters chemicals, Alchemical has taken the initiative to work towards eliminating these cheap nasty fibres from our clothing line. Our range of Hemp Gi, Natural Rashguards and natty Grappling Shorts are damn near plastic free.

Our aim is to provide fighters with high-performance gear while minimizing our ecological footprint. By seeking and implementing sustainable alternatives, we strive to set new industry standards and inspire positive change.

Introducing Hemp, Bamboo, and Organic Cotton Blended Fabrics

At Alchemical, we are proud to introduce a new range of fight wear made from sustainable materials such as hemp, bamboo, and organic cotton blends. These fabrics not only offer exceptional performance but also have a minimal impact on the environment.

Hemp fabric, for example, is known for its strength and durability, making it an ideal choice for gi construction. Hemp is an incredibly versatile crop that requires minimal water and no pesticides or herbicides. Additionally, hemp has natural antimicrobial and moisture-wicking properties, keeping you cool and dry during intense training sessions.

Bamboo, on the other hand, is a fast-growing and renewable resource that requires no irrigation. It is naturally antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and moisture-wicking, making it perfect for rash guards and other training apparel. Bamboo fabric is also incredibly soft and comfortable, ensuring maximum mobility and breathability.

Organic Cotton is another sustainable material we use in our fight wear. Grown without the use of harmful chemicals, organic cotton is not only safer for the environment but also for your skin. It is breathable, moisture-wicking, and ideal for those with sensitive skin or allergies.

Gis Made from Hemp Fabric

One of our flagship products is our 100% Hemp gi, a traditional uniform worn in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. We are thrilled to offer gis made from hemp fabric, combining tradition with sustainability. Our hemp gis provide the perfect balance of durability, comfort, and performance.

Not only are hemp gis eco-friendly, but they also offer other benefits. Hemp fabric becomes softer and more comfortable with each use and maintains its shape and strength even after numerous washes. Additionally, due to its antimicrobial properties, hemp naturally resists odours, contributing to a cleaner and fresher training experience.

By choosing a hemp gi from Alchemical, you are not only investing in your own training but also supporting a sustainable future for the fight wear industry.


The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fight wear industry is evolving, and sustainability is at the forefront of this evolution. At Alchemical, we believe that high-performance gear can coexist with eco-consciousness, and we are committed to leading the way.

By introducing innovative materials such as hemp, bamboo, and organic cotton blends, we are revolutionizing the fight wear industry and setting new standards for sustainability. With our range of hemp gis and other sustainable products, we invite you to join us on this journey towards a greener future.

Shop at Alchemical today and experience the perfect blend of performance, comfort, and sustainability in your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fight wear!